Asentral IRB joined BRANY

We are excited to welcome the valued clients of Asentral to BRANY IRB. Effective December 16, 2019, BRANY IRB will become the IRB of record for studies currently active under the Asentral IRB.

Below you will find the information you need to continue, start or modify your Asentral IRB study or contact the BRANY team:

IRB Submissions and Document Access

In becoming part of BRANY IRB, Asentral clients will receive additional benefits including use of IRBManager, an online tool for managing IRB submissions and accessing IRB documents. Your current IRB approval remains in effect with no change to your approval period or any approved documentation.

IRBManager Login

Submitting Amendments, Modifications, or Continuing Review
After December 16, 2019, any amendments, modifications to ongoing research studies, as well as reports of unanticipated problems and other reportable events will be submitted directly to BRANY IRB via IRBManager.

Continuing review requests can be provided via email using Asentral IRB forms until January 31, 2020. Beginning February 1, 2020, all continuing review requests must be submitted via IRBManager.

IRB Forms and Downloads

This page provides information on submission deadlines, the IRB roster, and forms and guidance designed to help manage your submissions to BRANY IRB.

Billing and Payments

The current Asentral fee schedule will remain in effect for ongoing Asentral IRB projects. After December 16, 2019, all invoices for IRB services will be issued by BRANY.

Payment for services rendered should be sent to:
Biomedical Research Alliance of New York LLC
1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite 210
Lake Success, NY 11042
Tax ID: 13-3999590

For your convenience, a completed W-9 form is attached

New Studies or Transition questions or concerns:

Carmela Houston-Henry, BS, MS, CCRA

IRBManager or Modification/Continuing Review Submissions contact:

Michelle Rodriguez
Project Manager
Phone:  516-470-6973


Raffaella Hart, VP, IRB & IBC Services
Phone: 516-470-6909