Independent IRB Review Service
Responsive, Flexible Service
Expert, High-Quality Reviews
Dependable Timelines, Competitive Fees

    Please provide us with more detail about your needs. Check all boxes that apply.

    Type of organization:
    Industry-sponsor or Company
    Academic Institution, Academic Medical Center, Hospital or Healthcare System
    Independent Investigator/Researcher

    Study details:
    Biomedical study/trial for 1 to 4 sites
    Biomedical study/trial for 5+ sites
    Social Behavioral and Educational (SBER) study for 1 to 4 sites
    Social Behavioral and Educational (SBER) study for 5+ sites
    Single IRB (e.g. NIH funded multi-site study)
    Need an IRB budget for a grant-funded multi-site study
    Research requiring a Biosafety Committee (IBC)

    I am also interested in learning more about BRANY’s software solutions:
    OneAegis compliance management solution
    Protocol Builder